Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fun & Order

Well Obviously the Party is getting out of hand. We need ORDER! Not Pally Police but real maturity on everyone's part. Unless of course everyone enjoys spending the whole time trying to talk over someone else in hope that you can get off a cheap joke... So who thinks they know how to solve this problem?


Max said...

give me a dozen levels and ill stop being stupid and keep order


Max said...
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Max said...

check it out....


Will said...

Give the Ninja-Rogue a weapon I can hit with, armor that can resist damage, a few levels, assassin-ship, diplomatic immunity from the palidin, and the matter, shall we say, disappear. Then I will return all of the above... repent from assassinating... and order shall return really quickly

(basically a lil like max's proposal, except it's temporary and i'll judge fairly)

better than having a wizard with the "my way or you die" policy...

Plus, the saboutage and assassin unplesents would be best suited for a sneaky lil rogue... who you can't touch.

Zach said...

I kinda have to agree with Billy on the Paladin deal. Although I do have a "my way or die" policy, that's mainly my alignment speaking (ah, threatining halflings never gets old). Besides, I don't think that I ever used a dangerous spell on you guys. However, the paladin needs to take a chill pill and stop murdering party members.

But really, you need to use your Rogue more effectively. Take some risks with sneak attacks, and take some initiative(not the die roll, but literally) with hiding and scouting, and your character could be a lot more effective.

And if I remember correctly, da DM says he's increasing gold and loot, and that should give us money for enchantments (if you give me gold and materials, I could enchant stuff myself once in a while if I have enough experience).

WFTW said...

okay, so, if you make chaos because of not getting enough loot, then come to the weekend games, he gives eveyone who comes a crud load of gold. Experience, just shut the fuck up and play the game alright, you'll level up in due time.

Awsome rock-a-bard

Max said...


me and paul already came up with a good plan for zombies hehehehhe

we live in the rockies and raid Denver >:]


take that denver!

Max said...
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Max said...

I was watching dbz and i just saw this:

Nappa: What does the scouter say about his power level, Vegeta?!!?


WFTW said...

guys, I think we should just sign some pact or something, saying that we have had enough joking around and that it is time to get seriuos, who is in?

Da DM said...

I am not giveing you more stuff to be annoying with...